{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}

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Into Storybrooke: (storyline with Kellie)
Category: Uncategorized

Disclaimer: This is a storyline that was started, but be redone for new twists and turns.

Into Storybroke: An ancestral witch comes to town(storyline with Kellie)

Past :

Antigone was known as the Dark Ancestral Witch. She was the daughter of Marcus Aurelius and his lover Livia Tenebris. She had three sisters that were biologically her full sister and several half-siblings. After having to flee Rome moons ago, Antigone found her way to the Turkish empire of the Ottomans. She adopted the name of Mahidevran to hide from those who would want to consume her soul or, to be more exact, kill her. Within that time, she met a man named Suleiman Sultan and bore him two children. Mustafa Sultan and Isis Sultan, but only Isis lived on throughout the years with Antigone. Mustafa was killed in his adulthood, which still scars Antigone and causes her to be overly protective of her daughter.

Antigone lived happily under the name of Mahidevran, for she could live without fear of attacks other than those from mere mortals that attempted to conquer the Ottomans. Sulieman and the other man within the kingdom efficiently dealt with those easily. Those with magical abilities could have helped with any situation dealing with deadly war. However, they helped in different ways to avoid drawing attention to them.

The Ottoman Empire was vastly different from the rest of the world being somewhat kept in its own bubble. However, even this bubble could not keep the hands of the grim reaper from the doorstep of the Empire. Mortals’ lives are a string that can be easily snapped at any moment. Antigone understood this fact seeing many she held dear pass from this world and into the afterlife. But the loss of her Suleiman, her son, and many more that she cared for began to take a toll on Antigone. She knew only a few within the Sultan family would be able to live forever having that gene passed down to them, but it was those that immortality forgot to kiss that always became memories to Antigone.

Even with death of those she loves, Antigone did not for many years leave the Ottoman Empire until the new world began to call to her. The old world had seemed to forget the old ways of magic. The ways that kept the witches and warlocks grounded in not just tradition but the very essence of magic itself. Being an ancestral witch, Antigone had a duty to find out all new witches and warlocks who come into their powers even if they had magic since childhood and teach them the old ways. In a way, she helped guide them to gaining control over their abilities, which at times can be unpredictable.

Leaving the old world behind was not an easy thing for Antigone, yet she knew that she could not at least for now stay there. The new world had more possibilities and less memories. The new world called to her, and she took the call even if she did not know where she was going to end up.

An Dark Ancestral Witch Comes to town:

Her travels brought her to a place called Storybrooke Maine. She felt drawn to it due to the magic that felt to be not of this world. Storybrooke held within it old and new magic which seemed to be able to blend. It was new for her, yet there was something that seemed to catch Antigone’s senses. She did not know what it was just yet but felt intrigued enough to book a stay at the hotel within Storybrooke before going to the local diner. The diner was a cozy joint with an older woman running it. “What brings you in here deary? You are not from around here you?” the older woman asked. Antigone smiled as she walked to the counter and took one of the seats. “You can say that.” She said with a thick Roman accent. “And yet you seem to fit in.” the older woman replied with a clever smile.

The woman seemed to know a bit about everything and yet was still kind to those who were not from around the area. “Can you tell me about this place?” Antigone asked with a sweet tone. The woman nodded and began to tell her all about the town that was made from magic. Antigone could listen about the town all day if she could, yet as if the woman narrating every detail in the town knew something Antigone did not the story ended. “To understand the magic of this town you should go see Mr. Gold’s shop. You seem like the type that would be most interested in such things. Who knows what can happen in this town or why people come to it.”

Antigone gave a slight smile and nodded. “Perhaps when you are done you can come back and have something to eat. Perhaps tell your own story to this old woman” The kind woman said. Antigone gave another smile, “perhaps. Thank you for your tale.” She said, getting up and started to walk out of the diner. It was a quick meeting and yet it was as if it had been planned out long before Antigone’s life began. The Dark Ancestral Witch looked to one direction to the other until a shop with the spiritual presence of both dark and light magic spilled out from it. It wasn’t just dark and light magic but old and new like the town. Antigone tilted her head to the left, her red eyes flashing crimson.

As she walked towards the shop, it appeared the thought that the woman did not comment on Antigone’s unusual eyes then again perhaps the woman knew that Antigone wasn’t a normal human or perhaps the woman, herself from a tale just jumping off the pages. The closer that Antigone got to the shop, the more the Dark Ancestral Witch could sense that there is much more to the town or the shop that meets the eye. She reached out to grasp the door of the shop, gently pulled it, and heard the ring of the bell to tell the shop owner someone was there.

A door and bell the keys of the unknown and a shop filled with antiques, things to pawn, and magical things. Ding the bell on the door went, the sound filling the shop.






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Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: Lost In Darkness (Storyline with Antigone}

Blog Location:Blog Location https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie had a lot to process her head was filled with questions she now the angels would be around her and her family. Listening to Antigone, she truly is a very wise woman she is truly glad they became friends. So many thoughts going through her mind knowing she let her husband and daughter know about everything. Having a picture in her mind of seeing all those angels that night. It was a truly beautiful sight to see that she will never ever forget. So much was going through her, so many questions she needed answered after reading certain sections. She listened to what Antigone said to her.

Listening to Antigone about what she read to her made total sense and made her feel a bit better about things. "It was a lot I agree to tell me who I am I will always believe in God. That could be stronger when growing up in Storybrooke and all the evil magic here I have been able to get away from. I think you’re right with me being saved at birth there has to be a powerful reason for that. I was always a part of the heavens above I just wished I had seen it sooner. Do you think I was spared from knowing in my early years until I was ready? I do fully accept who I am and will live up to it thank you for what you said about God and the angels. Him seeing me the way I am sure explains it all, saved me at both to watch over family and loved ones."

Once in a while she drifted off in her mind trying to process everything, she was right it was a lot to be told at one time. Her family has always been powerful and watched out for each other. Just to feel the angel blood inside was a very different feeling to her knowing that this was all real. "I always felt like there was someone with me like inside, and beside me. If that makes sense I felt the angel blood flow through my very veins. Is that a normal feeling I am really trying to let all this sink in to know that I was chosen like this." Knowing that her family will stand by her, she truly loves Asher and their daughter Hannah. "I feel privileged in a way, you know, to be a part of something so amazing, which I know isn't right for me to say. It is, as you said, a gift from God, and I intend to use it as when needed. I definitely will not abuse it that isn't why I have become who I am now..if that all makes sense. I'm so sorry I am rambling on about this it's mind blowing."

Knowing her powers were stronger than that was a sign of her powers she was learning her angel powers. Everything Antigone had told her was true, she knew that for a fact, as she still kept her voice down, she looked to Antigone. "You think that God and angels were the ones who made sure we got to that cabin. It is where the angels showed that they were there. That cabin is in a very secluded place where no one ever goes to. I am still learning about all this, it is all so unexpected, yet I still believe it's all true." Her mind was still taking it all, letting it all settle within her very being.

She continued reading her mind was elsewhere thinking about everything that happened with who she is. "Like I said before, that would explain Hannah being a Nephilim. Why didn't I pick up on having angel blood inside me. I am accepting everything slowly, just astounded by everything right now. I figured the more I talk about it the more it will sink in. I should have known this a long time ago." She read on a bit more and was still being, rattled a bit. "I do know one thing in my heart and soul I accept who I am and will be proud of who I am."

She was talking to Antigone that she was sure everything was real and that she needed to accept her powers. Looking up at Antigone after she finished reading the one book suddenly, she felt strange. Things around her started slowly fading in and out as she looked around at everything. "Antigone are you still here?" Things started to slowly disappear, hoping that she was being transported again to the one she dreaded. Suddenly being behind strong wooden bars, she yelled out. Hearing a distinct laughter getting closer to seeing the face. "Rumple I should have known it was you what do you want from me as if I can't guess." "Dearie you are wise; it is what you think I want your powers they are even stronger than my own. Trust me you can't use them here for now I leave you here till I return to get my riches of your powers." Seeing him gone she started yelling "Antigone can you hear me or see me please help me." After Rumple had left it became completely dark not able to use powers all she could hear was his creepy laugh. She sat in the corner of the dark dungeon, fearing what was going to happen. Suddenly a light slowly started to show, seeing it gradually glow brighter she stood up trying to see who it was..an Angel?

{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke:Knowledge is power (Storyline with Kellie}

Disclaimer: This reply will have within in plugs from the Book of Enoch and heavy Biblical Tones.

Blog Location:Blog Location https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Rather a person is born a Nephilim or ones blessed with angelic blood, they are those who are on a different level. Those are the most common types of people with angelic blood who turned into Shadow Hunters. What Kellie was speaking of would make sense in the current situation they found themselves in. Though how the person was going about it. To bring the abilities out of her was vastly odd to Antigone. She listened closely to Kellie as she spoke so she could get a everything in full detail. At mentioned about a library, Antigone nodded. “Well, a library would hold very many different details and depending on what kind of library it would hold supernatural knowledge.” She stated with a thick Roman (Ancient Italian) accent.

The Dark Ancestral Witch was intrigued by how everything had unfolded over the last few hours. She almost did not come to the small town StoryBrooke. She listened wondering what would have happened if she had not even step one toe into the town hidden by magic. There were so many questions that needed to be answers and time was fleeing them. The Dark Ancestral Witch figured that Kellie’s mind must be spinning with all the information dump that the man had given her over the last few hours. “Younger years are the bases for many things especially when it comes to abilities. They some what determine how a person will turn out though there are the few that have had their abilities become more in their older years. But as far as light or dark is concerned the younger years tend to set the foundation.” She stated feeling more like her mother Livia than she had ever had before.

Antigone followed Kellie to the library wondering a great deal how everything would unfold and be found out. Secrets could never really stay hidden if a person was determined to find out about it. In the end secrets when the time was right would always be shown or known to the person. Antigone looked at all the books around them and was stunned by how much the library held. She wondered how much of the magical arts were filled with different books. The magical world tended to enjoy being hidden but there was some information that was always written down for the next generation. Stories of old as many called them so they were never forgotten then there was of course spells and other things that one may need when the time arose. Family histories written in pages often so the generations who came after would know where they came from, for in the magical realm bloodlines was everything.

The crimson eyed older witch looked at Kellie for a moment and gave a slight smile. “Libraries always tend to be the best spot to start.” She said looking at her. She picked up a book and flipped through the pages. The leather binding and stained pages told of its age. Within her hands was someone’s thoughts, desires, and story that they lovingly put down for others to know. At times warning put into pages so that others would know never to do whatever was warned within the script. She heard Kellie speak about a Nephilim birth and gave a slight nod. “Traditionally they are born of human and angel. Long ago, angels looked upon female mortals and laid with them. Those angels were casted down the darkest part of the earth. It is not really hell but utter darkness. They were no longer clean, and the women were well outcast if they survived the birth. The book of Enoch speaks about them. Their children giants longer than the tallest men were thought to be killed in the great flood during Noah’s time. However.” She said with a slight paused. “Some were able to survive to this day though they hide for the most part. It is not often one sees one that are born in such a way I mean.” She listened to her once more and gave a slight nod. “Your situation is out of the norm yes, but I can see where it can happen that way. Sometimes when a woman or a child meets with an almost death like experience their blood almost changes into something very different than they once were. In your case, angelic blood mixed with yours and making you as such.”

Listening to Kellie speak about speaking to and seeing angels was a beautiful sight to see, Antigone could only really nod. “It could be the reason why she is a Nephilim. It is certainly an explanation.” She stated then thought for a moment. “Speaking as to seeing and speaking to them. I’ve only met one or two in my lifetime. Witches aren’t the species that angels particularly enjoy running into.” She looked at what Kellie was reading once the words left her mouth and shrugged. “Angels are always about timing and things such as what was hidden from you was hidden for most likely a timing thing. When the time was right the information would fall into your lap.” She stated then paused for a moment. “In time everyone ends up finding something about themselves or origins that they never knew about. It is always about the timing. The timing is right for you to learn about yourself and the angelic part of the bloodline that no resides in it.” Antigone tugged a piece of her hair behind her ears then looked around once more taking a deep breath of the air around them. Each library not only held within it so much information, furthermore each library held their own scent based of how old the library.

Hearing Kellie speak, the Dark Ancestral Witch looked at her with a slight smile upon her face. “It was my honor truly. Thank you for allowing me to stick by you through this.” She said with a motherly tone in her voice and then shook her head. “When one is my age, one has nothing but time. This has been truly interesting, and you aren’t keeping me from anything. I tend to just travel from place to place seeing the different covens that still stick to the old ways.” She looked at the book that Kellie held and listened to her read the lines off the page. “It could have been. It certainly sounds like the type of angel who would do something like that if the angel was told to by God, himself, or saw something within you that you were supposed to do.” She stated with a soft voice so only they could hear of what words she was saying. She thought for a moment on the last question that Kellie asked. It was entirely possible that was why she was brought back to protect her family. There were so many possibilities as to why she was brought back. “You were given this gift for a reason. Protection of your family and possible of others. You have this gift and thus what you do with it is yours to do. You have been seen by God and the angelic beings to use the gift for the love that you hold with your family. I foresee great things to come for you. Who knows with the more you learn about the reason you was given the gift and have this angelic blood within you then more powerful you will grow.”

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: The Truth Is Seen And Heard. (Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie listened to Antigone the words of her being half human and half angel was not a surprise to her. Her powers were always so much stronger, especially when she was older her powers were even stronger. To see the angel and hear what the one had to say to her was still a bit shocking. The truth had been confirmed by the angels and Antigone had so many questions on her mind. "I am like Hannah or rather she is like me. I know I am not a Nephilim; my parents are both human. There is only one thing I can think of something my mom told me years ago. That I died during childbirth, she swears she saw an angel come down and bring me back to life. Would it be a part of it I still want go to the library and get more information."

Her mind was almost spinning with thoughts of everything that had recently happened to her, which was only natural. She wanted to find out more about what was going on, knowing if her mom and dad knew this she would have been told. As her mind was still processing everything it became clear to her that is why her powers had gotten so powerful. "I always had a sense I was being watched in my younger years. I think maybe I was too young to have been told then that this is such a powerful awakening." Knowing they were going to the library hoping to find out more, she was sure they had books on the subject. They arrived at the library to find the book section they needed "I am glad you thought of this and the fact they have what we are looking for.

Seeing a few books that had to do with what they needed, she grabbed one book and sat down at the nearest table. Seeing Antigone had found a book as well, it was rather empty in the library she was glad for. She whispered to Antigone "I thought a Nephilim were born from half human and I'm half angel. My parents are full human, you think it’s true what my mom told me, the fact that an angel brought me back to life during the birth." It was all so confusing to her "you think that why Hannah is a Nephilim. I had always wondered about that." To have seen the angels as well and to talk to them. It certainly was a beautiful sight to see so many of them and to be a part of it.

Thinking so many thoughts at once as she read on about the angels it was clearing up a few up wanting to learn everything. Again, she leaned over her book a bit and whispered. "How is it that I never knew this information about myself. Wouldn't they have contacted me sooner?" Still the questions were building up in her mind about everything. She is truly glad Antigone is with her now and helping her process everything, it was a lot to take in. She wasn't, meaning to make this all about her, but there had to be questions around it all. She read on about how humans can have angel blood inside them. It was starting to make some sense to her, hoping that they would fit out about everything.

She was truly glad that Hannah was not involved in the news Kellie had found out her and Ashers daughter is a strong young woman. Hannah is learning about her powers, and they are very proud of her for the life she has now. Asher has always been her love in every way she truly loves him with her heart and soul. Knowing that he will accept the news of being half human and half angel, which is something she just found out about herself. She loves her family so deeply, all of them, and is deeply grateful to Antigone for helping her through this.

Like, her thoughts of being half angel at first shocked her and frightened her in some ways. When she read on about the angels and humans, she wasn't surprised how far back the history goes. In ways she wondered how much she would change having the feeling it would only change her powers. She saw when, they were in the cabin, she looked at Antigone and still whispered. "I haven't said this yet but thank you so much for sticking by me through all of this. You really are a true friend hopefully we find. I hope I am not keeping you from anything or any place you need to be?"

Her, voice was, still whispered as she showed this section, she saw in the book she was reading the part that was outlined. "Here is something I saw in this section." The belief developed that, "the people have a heavenly representative, a guardian angel. Every human being has a guardian angel. Previously the term Malakh (angel) simply meant messenger of God." Chabad believes that people might indeed have guardian angels. * "You think since an angel brought me back to life to be born. You think I was given angel blood to protect my family and ones I love?" Which she is sure there are other possibilities.

{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke:Angelic lights {storyline with Kellie}

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

This whole thing was like a game, but was it just to test Kellie to see how her abilities worked? Antigone had so many questions, but very little answers to give. The Dark Ancestral Witch wanted to give all the protection she could to Kellie even though they had just met only hours before. In someways, the elder witch was glad that Mr. Gold was not behind everything that had unfolded. On the other hand, because he was not behind the events, Antigone was also nervous. It was more questions that nervous that Antigone had within her mind. “I am glad he is not involved with all this. However, he is still someone to keep away from. Can’t really point my finger as to why I feel like that. But I do feel like I know him from in the past.” She gave a slight laugh and shook her head. “Comes with how old I truly am.”

She paused for a moment then listened to Kellie. Giving a slight nod, Antigone fixed her hair behind her ears. “There was some higher power feeling that was sensed when you were taken away.” She replied. “It makes perfect sense that you say that.” She tilted her head to the left and narrowed her eyes. “Only those of great power rather of demonic or angelic or well of age in my species can do such a thing. You truly have something that someone wants to see be shown.”

Antigone was cautious about everything that was unfolding dealing with Kellie. There were some higher beings that were apart from everything. She knew that for sure and did not want to have to fight back, though she would if she needed to. “They are protective of you since birth?” she asked with a slight soft tone in her voice. Means they have been watching her or watching over her from the moment she came into this world. Kellie has some heavenly beings watching out for her. She listened to Kellie speak about the man and did not say anything at first. “From what you are telling me. From birth the person has been watching over you. Sounds like a guardian.” She replied then gave a nod. “Sounds like an angel that is for sure can explain why couldn’t be sense right away until made himself known. Only angelic, demonic, or even of the ancestral witches/warlocks can do that. Well except maybe the gods.” She replied then thought for a moment.

She listened to Kellie once again as she thought. So, he knows exactly how to get Kellie to move. It was rather interesting to see how angels and even demons at times played with those on earth. The beings above and even gods/goddess enjoyed seeing how those on earth would react regardless of if they were mortal or not. In truth, the Dark Ancestral Witch did consider Kellie to be family in many ways though they had met just hours before. She could not explain it which could be since she had placed multiple memory spells upon her own mind, but she did feel that connection. “If he was smart, he would respect your wishes when it comes to your daughter. If he has truly watched over, you and such.” She gave a slight smile. “Tis an honor to be thought as such. I think of you as family as well.” She replied with a thick Roman {Ancient Italian} accent.

As Kellie spoke, Antigone’s skin on her arms began to crawl hearing about the mortal cup. She had only heard of it a few times but knew only the Nephilim could partake of it. “The cup that you speak of he is correct as to who can partake of it.” She said as her crimson red eyes flashed slightly. “It is smart to get to know what you are getting into especially when it comes to such relics as he spoke of.” She gave a slight smile, “You feel as such because in many ways you are already a Shadowhunter. When one is born to be something then it is natural to feel that way.” She thought again for a moment and shifted her weight from one leg to another. “Well, to gather such information the best places are those libraries that held ancient knowledge.”

Hearing thunder rolling and seeing lightning flashing, there was no doubt that a storm would follow next. Antigone looked towards the sky and sniffed the air to confirm it. There was certainly a change in the weather coming and a storm would roar in. “There is a storm coming. The very air smells like it.” She said getting up once again with Kellie and holding her up as she almost fell. The same lights that flashed before Kellie’s eyes did so with Antigone. She looked towards the wolves and watched their movement for a moment. Animals could always sense when something was coming. Her senses heightened when the wolves began to howl. “I think we should get inside soon.” She said then looked towards where Kellie was looking. “There is light flickering over there.”

Antigone got an uneasy feeling with the lights and figures that began to show before her eyes. Antigone was after all a Dark Ancestral Witch and witches nor angels tended to truly like each other. In angels’ eyes, Antigone was no better than the greatest sinner of all. “I see them.” She replied to Kellie as she also heard the man speak. Antigone watched as Kellie sat back down but did not move from her position. The elder witch wanted to stay standing as long as she could. Antigone looked down at Kellie to see if she was alright and could see that everything was making her think. “You are both human and angel.” She replied in a soft tone. “Angels do have their ways to make an entrance and make one have to choose.” She replied holding out her hand. The witch looked over towards the wolves and gave a nod to tell them that she would not harm Kellie. “You said you wanted to investigate this more? I know a few ancient libraries, but most aren’t here. I have a feeling, however, that Mr. Gold may have some books. Of course he wouldn’t have very ancient ones but it could be a start.”

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: A Heavenly View. (Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

After hugging Antigone, knowing they were both happy that she was back and to explain what happened to her. "Definitely Mr. Gold isn’t involved in this, it's from something more out of this world, angelic even. That may sound strange, but I felt a wave of strength and protection inside of me flow through my very being. It sounds unbelievable; I swear it was something that went inside me it was a strong heavenly feeling. I know he was a higher power, if that makes sense?" Finally getting her thoughts somewhat together was able to tell her what she had heard from the man.

After seeing and hearing the man through the fog that surrounded him, she was mostly in shock to see the figure. Believing in her mind that it was more angelic, vision that anything as Antigone helped her up. She sat down getting her mind to still process what she just saw she is looking at the wolves they were right beside her hearing what Antigone said. "They are very protective of me since the day I was born and the rest of my family, whoever is close to us like you."

Finally getting up more and looking at Antigone. "The man told me he has been protecting me since the day I was born. He went through every detail of my life. Only an angel could know that, right. It was a clear and very detailed record of my life which is what threw me with what he said things even my parents don't know. Which I literally fell over, that went to my very soul no one could possibly know that much in detail." She sat for a moment, "You know I still feel his presence here. I think he wants to believe that he is an angel. I do believe he is. Living in Storybrooke I would definitely not question who he was. Strange things have happened before."

Thinking about the man, words to her "He did say to go with what my heart feels about being a Shadowhunter. That’s when he said I had angel blood inside me, and I knew what he meant, my powers have always been more powerful than even my mom's.”. Her love is always for her Asher and their daughter, and she considers Antigone now family. “As far as Hannah, I told him strictly on the first visit I had with him. To not involve Asher or Hannah in any way. As long as it won't interfere with my family, I will give it deep thought, that is for certain. Trust me they know not to mess with my family I consider you to be to me Antigone."

She was still so surprised at all this in her heart she a true believer this man was an angel. "He also told me that Mundans have to drink from the mortal cup he said is only for Nephilim. He told me that I should go with my heart, but I first want to know what I am getting into. Sometimes I feel like I am already a Shadowhunter." It was all confusing to her, hearing what Antigone said, to focus on her family, all her loved ones. I have to do more looking into them and the ones who are already having that title."

She stayed sitting down thinking what the next move was to go check out these people or to accept. Hearing a thundering should and what looked like lightning flashing "looks like another storm coming through. Suddenly the wolves sat up and starting to howl "This sound like another storm brewing we should go look outside?" They both got up and she almost fell over again, but she didn't this time. Seeing the flashing lights nearly blinded her eyes. The wolves stood beside each side of her.

She looked over at Antigone "you see this right too? thousands of lights were flickering on the ground each covered by fog. The fog lifted, and she saw the glowing figures, so many of them. Seeing wolves, had calmed down and was still sitting next to her. Hearing an echoing voice of the same man who had just visited them. "You see Kellie, we are here to protect you and your family and those who are close to you. No matter what you do in life you are safe with us remember that Kellie many are watching over you.” Seeing them spread out their arms to her. Watching as they formed into streaks of lightning as they slowly disappeared into the heavens. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Looking at Antigone "you did see those angels I believe that now the ones I saw from the Shadowhunter where never like this. Never looked that way." She sat down again. "I think I know what I am going to do. I am going to be a Shadowhunter. One more thing he said I am human and angel?"

Posted by Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK) on Sun Jul 28, 2024, 20:07

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{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke: Hold on a new thing unfolds (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Wind blew around Antigone as the voice of Kellie came clear into her mind. She was glad to hear her voice and knowing that she was alright helped the Dark Ancestral Witch feel slightly at ease. She knew that they were just home until Kellie was back fully and away from wherever she had been brought to. She also knew that sooner or later they would have to face the puppet master who was pulling the strings, so to speak. Everything had been perfectly planned, Antigone could feel that. “Understand.” She said with her thick Roman accent (ancient Italian). She took a deep breath until she felt a rush of wind and saw Kellie once more.

“You are ok.” She said hugging her and with a motherly tone of voice. Antigone looked down at the wolves and gave a nod. She knew she could trust them even with herself, though there was still a part of her that didn’t fully trust wolves. It was not those who were born in the animal sense, but those who turned from human to wolves known as werewolves. That is her whole be pure and species only rarely speaking to each other let alone have contact with each other. Antigone was old school after all and really tended to stick to the old ways.

“They really do care about you.” She said referring to the wolves who seemed a bit more at ease now. The Dark Ancestral Witch looked at the lights that Kellie spoke of and gave a slight nod feeling not just the protection thing but the families of the wolf. Antigone listened to Kellie for a long moment and thought as she spoke. “Did you sense any danger from him?” she asked with a slight tilt of her head. “I had thought Gold being the one behind it but after what you said about Shadowhunter.” She took a pause for a moment. “Gold didn’t ring someone who would be that way. He felt more like someone like me. You know ancient magic type of thing.” She finally stated and felt a slight chill go up and down her spin after saying that Gold and she were a like in the way of ancient magic.

Antigone sat down next to Kellie and thought for a moment once again running her hands through her long dark and now straight hair. “Angelic blood is linked to those who are Shadow Hunters. They must have it since it is the only way to fight those of darkness.” She said looking at Kellie then looking around to gather her thoughts. “If you have angelic blood then you have angelic powers.” She listened to her once more and heard about what the man said about Kellie’s daughter. A slight twitch in Antigone’s left eyebrow began to happen since she disliked others going after another’s child. Antigone was very particular when it came to another’s child. The only time that she would ever bring a child into anything was if the person left her no choice.

She took a deep breath, “Your daughter would be considered what he said. Nephilim are often sought out due to their abilities, however, in your case it was him knowing what buttons to push.” She replied to her then gave a slight smile. “You are like family as well though we had only met just a few hours before.”she said with a smile upon her face ever still. She gave a nod, “I do believe you are right there about Gold. I don’t think he is behind it. Though he would fully enjoy such.” She replied with a slight sigh. She listened to Kellie once again and gave a thought. Knowing that there was always a way to track someone unless they knew how to block others from finding them. “Do you think you can pick up on his abilities? Someone that strong will have a signature.” She said to her then gave a slight nod. “Everyone especially those in the higher up would have a signature. It is almost like a scent but magical wise. “She said to her as she held her hand. Antigone looked at Kellie with a worried look all over her face. “Kellie?” she asked, seeing her focus and talking to another. Then she sensed another’s presence who had not been there before.

When Kellie fell over, Antigone rushed to her and held her up for a moment. “Who is real?” she asked with a worried tone in her voice. Antigone could sense that there was someone who had a connectional link with Kellie. Antigone gave a deep breath and closed her eyes to see if she could concentrate harder and find out what was going on. She opened her eyes feeling the presence and a figure of a man. “Oh, I can see.” She said with a tone in her voice that was calm and protective all at once. “He clearly knows you very well.” She said in a Roman accent (Old Italian). “Do you feel he is a threat?” she asked, ready to protect Kellie and cut the man’s very soul from his body. Shadow Hunters, a name that Antigone had only heard a few times and had only encountered in all her centuries a hand full of times as well. So, there was more to the story that was about to unfold. “Kellie, focus on your family, your love, your parents, siblings, and child.” She said looking at her.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: Truth Shows Its Real Being. (Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie sat alone still away it was cold and foggy and after the man left, she was still processing it all. It was definitely mind-blowing to hear that she was a Shadowhunter and what could all this mean. Knowing her powers were stronger, even stronger now for some reason. Was it their hidden powers she was able to unleash, why after all this time her mind couldn't think of it all. Her main thought was getting back to Antigone, wanting her to know she was alright.

Her mind is always on her true love, Asher and daughter Hannah, knowing they are forever in her heart and that they are safe at home. She will get back home to them, that she definitely knows that in her very being. Still, it felt like voices going through her mind repeating, Shadowhunter's, where were their many others out there? Why the man would go about it the way he did to tell her this, it was all puzzling. She still wonders if Mr. Gold had he done this a part of felt the man was legit. They spoke of the colonies they have and right down to the details. He even told a few more of her powers that were not hard to believe. She is a lot like her mom, the powers they both have.

Suddenly hearing a distant voice, the fog seemed to block her from any kind of communication. She waved her hand from side to side and the fog was completely gone looking around seeing no one was close by. Hearing the voice she did know it was Antigone "I am here, I am safe, no harm has come to me. I need to get back to you Antigone am focusing on where you are." Knowing the spot, the cabin where Antigone was still there and her wolves. In the back woods a pack of wolves were hiding out to protect themselves.

Part of her felt a fury inside her if this was Mr. Gold, a part of her thought maybe it was someone she never met before. Suddenly feeling a wind rush around her, not being able to see anything. Before she knew it, she was back with Antigone giving her a big hug as she felt relieved to be back with Antigone. As she sat seeing the wolves come by her side. She petted the looking at them "you brought your family to protect us didn't you.” as she gave them a treat. She showed Antigone as they looked out the window. “See the lights, they are their wolf families' eyes, they are watching over us and protecting us."

Sitting back down she looked at Antigone "I am not sure who the man was, he seemed sincere in needing my help. I thought of it being Mr. Gold if he needed help, he would ask for a favor in return. This man wasn't pleased with me. He said that sensed angel blood in me. Whatever that meant, angel power? He wanted to go after Hannah because she is Nephilim. I told him not to go near any of my family whatsoever. I agreed to his offer to be a Shadowhunter. The only real choice I had to protect the ones I love and dearest friends which includes you. I know your powers are stronger than anyone's, still you are included as family to me."

She took a breath for a moment petting the two wolves who are so faithful to her to looking up at Antigone. "I seriously think we can overrule Gold. This man never asked for a favor for himself, it was to help others. As I said, I promised to never ever hurt any of my family, I made him a promise of that If anything, I'll be a stronger protector over my family, he gave me that option. Mr. Gold, we know would never ever do that in his lifetime the man was a bit older I think he was looking for a leader type? I still have no idea who he is, do you think we can track him down?"

She smiled and held Antigone’s hand that was a very good idea they stay close suddenly a fog appeared before them, and a man appeared. He stepped out of the fog "Kellie, I see you both have many questions." looking at Antigone as Kellie spoke first"“. Who are you and why have you appeared here? "I am your protector, Kellie; you didn't know I have been watching you and your family since the day you were born." She nearly fell over as she looked at Santi gone, she whispered. "Is he for real?" The man started telling her everything about her past in detail. In very exact details. The man spoke I am telling you the truth Kellie I am your protector. If you have doubts about becoming a Shadowhunter I’m here to tell you do have angel blood in, you. Remember Kellie I’m watching over you do what your heart tells you to do." She had to process it all looking at Antigone "Did you see that what is going on."

Posted by Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK) on Sat Jul 06, 2024, 20:07

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{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke:Shadow Hunters? (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Deep in her thoughts trying to force out anything that can block her path to find Kellie, Antigone took a deep breath. The Dark Ancestral Witch knew that gifts that had been untapped can be tricky to master. She also knew that Kellie was strong enough to find out what was going on. The other thing she knew was that ever since she met Kellie, though vary recent, there was something around Kellie trying to block out her true potential. Antigone did not know what or whom, yet there was someone truly trying to cause as many issues as possible. Focusing on Kellie and all that happened, a picture began to form in her mind.

The rage or anger that was mixing within Antigone’s mind was the game that was playing before her. Mr. Gold, who was probably the one who was behind everything, was truly playing the game up. Antigone had only been wrong about things like who was behind what a few times, yet it could happen again. Antigone was not a native to the town nor did she truly know all the people within it. In all her years of living she had never met someone who enjoyed games as much as who was known as Mr. Gold. She had to concentrate on the matter at hand and try to find Kellie at all costs. Antigone kept taking deep breaths and released her mind from any negative or consuming thoughts. As she did this a picture began to form and Kellie’s voice began to come to her mind. “She’s ok.” She thought and that is the feeling that the Dark Ancestral Witch got from the picture. She was ok and yet not near where Antigone was located.

Confusion began to fill Antigone’s mind as she tried to connect to the location that Kellie had been brought to. She couldn’t pinpoint it but she felt so much confusion currently even as she tried to clear her mind even more. Confusion next to fear was a killer and that was not something that the Dark Ancestral Witch needed to do have anytime of her life. The witch could hear her name being called by someone familiar though it took her a moment her moment that it was Kellie. “I can hear you.” She says calmly through her mind hoping it reaches Kellie. She pauses for a moment continuing to listen to her once more. “I know nor do I know where you are, but trying to find out where you are at this current moment.” She listened for a moment before speaking again. “Be careful” she said hearing a scream as well.

Somewhere around Kellie was, Antigone could not see almost like someone was purposely keeping her vison block in several areas. She could see what was important and yet couldn’t see the location. The two of them (Kellie and Antigone) needed to stay focused, for it could get worse before it got better. Whatever game this was it could be a very dangerous game to play if they aren’t careful. Clearing her head seemed to do the trick, for Antigone was able to see exactly where Kellie was located. “Stupid fool” she said mocking Mr. Gold. Gold was whom Antigone thought was truly all behind it. He had the smell about him that made her skin crawl, but then again, she could be all wrong about who was behind everything. He should have known ever so slightly better and yet Antigone could not shake the feeling that she had met him in the past.

Kellie’s return:

Still deep in her meditation and looking all over with her mind the past location that they had been the Dark Ancestral Witch needed clues. The wind shifted and Kellie’s voice came into her ears. It rang as if she was right there again and to Antigone’s surprise she was, which was a good thing. A smile went across her face as she listened to her then a tilt to the left as she was confused for a moment. “Shadow Hunter?” Slowly Antigone was lowered to the ground, she stood up, waved her hand which allowed her blood to slither back into her veins as if there was never a cut.

She listened to Kellie speak even more and hugged her back. Looking down at the wolves who were once more by the side of Kellie, Antigone gave a slight smile. “Do you know who this man is?” she asked with a slight tilt of her head then nodded. “I understand about your family not being involved. Is for protection of them after all.” She said with another nod. Antigone heard her say that “it was happening again” before Antigone could think she grabbed Kellie’s hand. “Hold onto my hand. I am not letting you go somewhere alone until we find out what all this Shadow Hunter thing is.” She said in a protective tone of voice.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: The truth is Told (Storyline with Antigone)

Kellie looked around where she was it was even older than the cabin, the way the people were dressed and acted. They were all so formal, even to her. They acted as if she had been there for many ages ago. Thinking in her mind about Antigone where she was and how confused she must be as well. Kellie tried talking to the people that were scattered about and passed around her. Knowing that she had to concentrate on Antigone hoping to get her thoughts to her If that was at all possible. Remembering Antigone saying Kellie must have a gift, maybe that was it, traveling to other places. It would be insane, she has never done that before, that she remembers.

Looking around the place she didn't want to move from the spot she was at. For fear of losing hopefully the only way back. Seeing the sisters as they stayed together and left each other’s side. The other people walked around like in a daze as if they could walk right through her. Her mind was on Asher the love of life knowing he is forever with her not wanting to be this far away. Could it be just a dream travel? One that someone gave to her. The only she could think of was Mr. Gold. He would be the one that always wanted her powers. Has tried to take them several times now always she managed to save herself.

Gathering the courage to move from the spot she was at hoping to find the answers of where she was and why. She could almost feel Antigone’s rage just as deep as her own rage was at the moment. Needing to clear her mind incase that Antigone could hear her as she was talking to herself. At the moment the people around seemed to be in a daze and walk right past her. Without a word as if they were almost programmed or something like that. It was then a young girl held her hand without saying a word and walked to a place that was unfamiliar. "Kelli tried to speak to the young girl "Who are where are can you please help me. Seeing the young girl let go of her hand she stayed their alone. Not being frightened being more confused than ever.

It was then the place she was at turned into bars of silver that kept her trapped she tried rattle the bars. Nothing happened, she finally yelled out "Who the hell is doing this to me answer me show yourself." She began to pace back and forth "Antigone can you hear me I do not know where I am at. Please hear me I know you can help me." This is the strangest place she has ever seen and how did she get here. Her thoughts were running wild knowing that she had to calm down.

After whatever the time was here, minutes or hours or days, Kellie heard a young girl scream. "Little girl, are you alright what is going on?" Trying her best to break free from the bars that surrounded her. Suddenly the silver bars disintegrated before her very eyes. "What the hell?" Looking around as each step she took the scenery changed once again. Her mind was boggled by all this, it was too much to take in, why was it all changing around her yet again.

Now she was in the place close by where her and Antigone were, this was the craziest thing she had ever witnessed. Seeing as she was free going over to help the little girl. Knowing she heard a scream earlier looking around it looked like the people were slowly fading away. Even the young girl she was with is gone, the ones who brought her here are gone. Nothing was making sense to her, it all seemed like past memories of her own life. "Am I going insane?"

Suddenly hearing a man’s voice as he got closer to her "no Kellie you are not going insane." she looked at the man who was older kinder man the first one that talked to her face to face. "What is all this? Are you causing this?" Seeing the man smile "yes it was me Kellie I have been there with you all your life. These past places I brought you managed hundred percent to escape. Even if you had helped your powers are overwhelming" She looked at him with confusing "Why me what are training me for what."

The man still smiled at her "I want you to become a shadow hunter you have had time with an angel it had made you become what we need. Your powers are beyond powerful you have shown much strength in what you have learned over the years. We need your approval to help us when we need you. This Is why I took you to different places and different worlds. With or without help you escaped each one we need you, Kellie." She looked at him "Just so it is understood if I did help with places If I do agree. I definitely do not want this to be a part of my life with my husband and our daughter is that understood. They will always come first in my life and my family I am firm on this. The man agrees and sends her back to be with Antigone in the cabin. She was thrilled to see her friend.

"You will not believe what happened to me I became a shadow hunter this man was taking me to places all along. Just to see how I can get through them is that crazy I’m floored by all this. What in the world did I just witness." She hugged her friend seeing the wolves by her side once again. "I am in shock right now I agreed to help them as long as my family isn't involved. It scares me this man was playing me the whole time to be a shadow hunter. Can I honestly believe what he said to me?" It was then she felt like she was going to be brought to another place "It's happing again?"

Posted by Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK) on Thu Jun 13, 2024, 18:06

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{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke: The silent whispers (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Disclaimer: :If this is out of sorts with the size of each para well I did most of this through my phone.

Magic has a way of keeping secrets just as secrets have a way in the mortal realm of being hidden until the right time or right person to know them. Antigone should have guessed that the cabin and all within it stayed hidden from everyone that passed through until the proper time. It could even have been a spell cast upon it to keep hidden until needed for a purpose. “Sometimes things are kept hidden till the right ones come along or right one. There had to be a purpose placed upon it long ago at the looks at all the dust.” The Dark Ancestral Witch said as she ran one finger on her right hand along the fireplace. Antigone looked as she saw the thing Kellie mentioned and could see it was fading away.

Antigone saw something as well in the photograph but didn’t know if she was really seeing it or her mind playing tricks on her. “There was something there, but I could barely make it out. As for anyone going after you.” she began to say then paused for a moment, “you must have something they want or will become something they fear” she said in a calm yet plain tone of voice. The dust, cobwebs, scattered toys, and plain unkept look of the place just showed how long ago a single person had stepped foot in this place. The look of it showed a leaving in a hurry but as to why was unclear.

Antigone listened to Kellie as she looked around the place a bit more. She looked up at her for a moment and nodded, “well, judging by the town it’s filled with magic and ancient magic at that. That is always something more curious to behold. You truly must have a gift that someone doesn’t want you to know about.” She said looking at her as she picked up a toy doll for a moment and looked at it. Gently, in a few moments of looking at it she placed it back down in the place she found it. She gave a smile when Kellie apologized. “No need. Sometimes rattling helps the mind. “She said with a thick Ancient Roman (Old Italian) accent.

The Dark Ancestral Witch looked at the photos and gave a nod. There is something there. “you’re not losing it.” She said then looked over to the window hearing thunder roar overhead. “It was not supposed to storm today” she said as if they were still in the same timeline or era that they were previously. Her ears picked up the storm and at that moment the idea come to her mind that perhaps the cabin itself was stuck in some timeline that was away from the normal timeline. It was both in the past and present all at the same time. Which was not unheard of but very odd to see firsthand, for it took a great deal of magic to do.

Antigone took a moment and looked at her and the animals around the cabin particularly around Kellie. One could tell that Kellie and the animals had a strong bond, which was still good to see that some young people had a connection to nature. A slight sound of music filled her ears, but pushed it back, figuring it was all in her mind. There could be no way music could be in a place like this let alone another person or people for Antigone didn’t sense anyone. Unless it was from the past and that would make perfect sense. “I did hear music and singing but thought it was just my mind.” She replied to her just as Kellie opened the cabin door. “Kellie be careful “she said as she heard clearer the music and the voices.

Antigone looked out the window of the cabin then looked out the door seeing what Kellie was seeing. So, it was stuck in a different timeline and showing distant memories. What Kellie was seeing was not exactly a vision but was in another sense. It was like looking at film on an old camera or like the old pictures films (movies) just with sound. “Kellie don’t” she said seeing that Kellie was joining them but just as the words left her mouth, Kellie was gone. “KELLIE” she screamed and ran towards where Kellie and the girls were last seen. “I do not know who is behind this but when I get a hold of you. I am going to rip your heart out.” She said looking in every direction hoping that Kellie was just behind a tree. Unfortunately, Antigone could sense she was not there. Where could she have been taken?

Antigone took a deep breath, traced with her left foot a circle, then set in the middle of the circle taking a dagger out of her right pocket. Within a second she slashed her right palm and allowed her blood to drip which as it did it began to form in the circle a pentagram of which Antigone was sitting in the middle of. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as her blood to keep dripping. Her eyes closed and her legs crossed over each other, the Dark Ancestral Witch began to mediate. “Kellie, where are you?” She said softly focusing on the scene that had unfolded and on perhaps where Kellie got taken.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: The Past Is Shown (Storyline with Antigone)

They were looking around the old cabin that clearly was in ancient years why was here all of sudden. Kellie looked at Antigone, "I never ever saw this cabin here the many times I have passed through here. All of sudden here it is, the past reaching out." She was still seen sitting down with the wolf across her lap after minutes of calming down. She decided to get up and look around, seeing the old dusty photos of what looked to be a happy family. "It just doesn't seem real, you know. Why has this reappeared now?" Seeing the sudden look as if they were slowly fading away "look at this?"

Her eyes were fixated on the photos, they looked like they were in the photos. The eyes in the photos seemed to follow her anytime she moved in the cabin. "I must be getting paranoid I swear I am being watched by those photos. I know couldn't be possible the way things are lately. Why anyone would go after me I cannot figure that out." She looked at Antigone who seemed to be more perspective I do not understand this place out." Seeing the old broken toys that lay around the cabin, the broken furniture. Everything was covered in such deep dust and spider webs was not to see what they had looked like. The damage to the place could tell whoever was here had to leave fast for some reason.

Seeing the old food and clothes that were left behind truly made her wonder about what happened to her. "Looks like whoever was here before I had to leave for a reason why would they want me here. I felt it back in Storybrooke as if someone was calling me in my mind. I just wonder who has it out for me and why this is getting more insane." She stopped for a moment looking at Antigone "So sorry I was rattling in there. It worries me about whoever is behind this. I would hate to have you get caught up in whatever they are planning." It was certainly a puzzling place for her, as it was for both of them, and she is more determined than ever to figure out the place.

Showing Antigone the photos, she wanted reassurance she was not imaging anything could happen in this place. Then, hearing the far distant should of thundering rumbling through the sky. " I hope we are not in for a bad storm I would hate to be stuck here perhaps we should head back. Then it seemed to get louder and more intense as the animals came in around her. Hearing the storm getting louder and the rain almost pounding on the ceiling. it was slowly becoming a nightmare to her, wondering who would be so cruel to do all this. What was going on first the vision made her younger than this it was not making sense with any of it.

Seeing that the animals were still around, she was glad Antigone wasn't bothered by them, they were hers, to protect. There was a sound she constantly heard, another sound of music and distant singing. Was this another trick or was it real? Seeing Antigone was looking around. "Do you hear the music and singing it is so strong in my mind not sure why." Opening the cabin door, looking outside seeing the image of young girls dancing and singing. "I think I am having another vision look at this." they were both looking in the same direction. Seeing them looking directly at her, wanting her to join them. She started to walk toward them as if she was in a daze, still hearing the wolves howling stronger. She joined the young girls as they sang and danced suddenly as the lightning flashed, they all disappeared.

{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke: Distant Memories (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

There was a smell that had been cast over the town and now within the forest which Antigone found herself in with Kellie. She could not put her finger on it, but she smelled the presence of ancient magic even from the outer entrance of the town. The shop which was owned by Gold heavily had that scent. However, there was another that had it further into town that perhaps Antigone would find out about later when they could figure out what was going on. Whatever was going on truly had its eyes upon Kellie heavily. The Dark Ancestral Witch looked around watching everything going on especially the animals that truly felt sensed something that was unseen.

Antigone gave a slight smile and nodded, “I’m glad I heard you as well.” She said, looking around. Nothing made sense now, and it was truly bothering her. All these games just for one person? She gave another nod, “We do indeed have a strong bond and as for the animals.” She paused for a moment. “They weren’t a bother at all. They were only protecting you. You have a strong bond with them, and they just care about you.” she said with a kind smile upon her face. She gave another nod, “It was aimed at the forest, you are right there.” She replied referring to the wolf.

Animals always seemed to have a strong sense of those around them and those around people they cared for. Antigone turned towards the cabin and her eyes widened allowing her crimson red eyes to flash when the light hit them. “I’m not sure but have only seen such a thing happen once in my life. Such an interesting thing to see.” She turned to look at Kellie with a worried look upon her face when Kellie said she needed to take a deep breath. “Deep breaths.” She said in a calming tone. She looked down towards the wolf. She listened to Kellie speak to the wolf who was laying in her lap and tilted her head for a moment seeing the wolf’s reaction. “I’m not exactly sure but I’m sure there is a purpose behind it. Not so much dark or light. It’s almost like a game.” She said not being able to truly express what feeling about the place that they were brought to. She couldn’t figure it out but all she did know was that they were there for a reason.

There was very off about where they were located. Something that seemed to put Antigone on edge though she knew little of why this could be. She looked at Kellie for a moment, “There must be something that may be waiting for us. I’m not sure why, but just a feeling.” She gave another nod and watched the animals along for a moment and felt that they were only there to protect Kellie. They seemed to know more than what even Antigone could figure out and wanted to protect Kellie. Antigone took a deep breath keeping herself centered, so that nothing or no one could use any emotions against her. She knew that they would have to keep a cool and collective head on their shoulders.

Once inside the cabin, Antigone looked around for a moment to get a casing of the cabin. She wanted to make sure of the way entrances and windows or any secret things that could lead to someone hiding from within. She was focused on making sure they were secure in there that when Kellie gasped it caught her off guard. She looked over towards her and saw the cobwebs and dust all over the cabin. It truly had not been touched by what appeared to be centuries. She then noticed the photo that Kellie was looking at and tilted her head. “Interesting.” she said with a soft tone in her voice. “I feel like this is a distant very distant memory”

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke: Present to The Past? (Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location: HTTPs://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie was completely confused as to why she was transported by her mind to the Enchanted Forest. It was the darkest kind of magic, truly, she sensed it in her very being. Hearing Antigone’s voice that calmed her down and seeing the animals still by her. " I’m so glad you heard me; we must have a strong bond. I hope the animals are not bothering you seeing them so close. I don't think the wolf was growling at you, it was meant for the forest. He didn’t hurt you and won't they have a smart sense of who they can trust."

Seeing the abandoned cabin, it was very rustic, hadn't had life in there for decades, and looked like it could collapse at any time. Suddenly as they got close to it, the cabin lit up and the plane was repaired completely. "How in the world did that happen, do you think it was our minds wishing to see it as new? Or whoever is doing this to us caused it? I need to take a breath." She sat down for a few minutes as the wolf laid on her lap. "What is this? You don't want me to go near you?" The wolf starred at her, knowing that was what he was doing.

Petting him for a few seconds, seeing it get up and stay close to her, she went to Antigone. "I think we need to go in, I feel there is history here for us. “Why would we have been brought here, the only reason I can think of." Her vibes of the place were a feeling of fright at the moment. Having Antigone with her helped ease up on that. Seeing the animals walk towards the cabin and walk around it as if they were guarding both of them. "Looking at Antigone, what do you think I do believe that there is something waiting for us in there."

As they waited a minute watching the animals seeing how truly loyal, they are to her that is a strength even a power to her. Waiting a few as they looked around the outside of the place it seemed harmless. Still, the fact it changed to how it used to look should give the idea of not to go near it. the animals were unharmed, and maybe there is a clue to what has been happening to her.

Her mind is on her husband she truly loves Asher he is everything to her and their daughter Hannah. Who knows has a love of her own she is truly so happy and proud of her for the young lady she has become. No matter where she is they are always inside her very being wanting them to know she is alright. Somehow, they have a connection that she is very glad for.

They eventually went inside the cabin as she petted the wolf as she walked in. It still had a stale smell to it and dust covered the place. Everything looked like it had years of stories to tell inside of it. Seeing photos that needed to be wiped clean from the cobwebs and dust that had collected on them, somehow the photos felt like she was a part of them. Going over and wiping off the one she gasped softly and looked at Antigone. Was it just her who changed or both of them having a feeling it was just her own young image she is seeing?

{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke: Light and Dark (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Everything happens for a reason, and everything comes with a price. Something everyone must learn at least once in their lifetime. No matter if a person is of the lighter side of magic or tends to cling to the dark. The Dark Ancestral Witch having lived if she had known this all too well. Judging by the one named Gold, he had as well knew the high price of power. Many do not understand this but the price of power leaves almost like almost like an overripe or sour smell upon the person. If the person was on the lighter side of magic the smell that was placed of them would be intoxicating or sweet smell as flowers within perfume. Antigone did not know what to make of everything that had unfolded in the last few hours.

As she walked behind Kellie, she did not know why she was truly doing that. Perhaps it was a mother’s instinct or perhaps sheer curiosity. In any case, The Dark Ancestral Witch found herself going into a forest and seeing the animals around the woman named Kellie. She tilted her head to the left hearing the low growl come from a wolf. Antigone allowed a slight smirk slowly to creep over her face knowing if she wanted the wolf to be dead. Ever still Antigone did not wish to do waste the breath and she could see that the wolf was only protecting Kellie. Animals after all had their ways about their people and Antigone was in their territory. Antigone looked at Kellie listening to her words for a moment then shrugged ever so slightly. “It is fine. He seemed to have that way with people. It was almost all over him in a way. Some people simply drive others to release their anger.” she said with a calm tone in her voice.

Antigone thought upon the rest of her words for a very long moment. “I am very glad you are right.” She said again in her motherly tone of voice with a her Roman (old Italian) accent still lingering. She gave a nod, “I understand that there is something about this place though I do not know what.” She replied finally about the pull that Kellie was speaking on. “Your wolf.” She began to say and then pointed to the animal. “Senses something. Animals have senses that even those in tune with nature may not sense.” The witch did not move from the location she was at not wanting to cause any more triggers for the animals within the forest.

What Kellie was saying truly resonated with Antigone, thus why she nodded once more. There was something within the forest that was not exactly normal. Her senses were on high alert as she was looking around “There is something off yes.” She said with another nod then looked back towards Kellie once more. Hearing Kellie’s question about exploring, Antigone gave a smile and nod. “I would be honored. There is something going on and I’m intrigued by it, for it not too often that something takes my interest.” she said with a slight laugh. “Secrets can only stay hidden for so long, though they tend to stay hidden until the right person to come along.” she said with a quick look once more around. Antigone took a moment and closed her eyes attempting to hear anything that she could from the surrounding area.

There was no sound that came to her ears or even tingled them in the slightest. This seemed to trouble Antigone as she opened her crimson red eyes that flashed ever so slightly when the light hit them. Looking into the direction that Kellie was looking towards, Antigone saw the fog that the other young woman was talking about. “It could be a portal.” She replied with a slight tilt of her head and narrowing of her yes. Antigone heard the growl from the wolves and looked towards them. There was something certainly that they did not like which caused her to be even higher on alert. Antigone looked towards Kellie once more and thought for a moment before she spoke.

“It could be a trap yes, though there is something almost drawing towards it. Something seems to be within the fates’ hands and of the fates’ design even if the one named Gold has had a plan laid out for a while.” She replied watching her newfound friend. Antigone did not know why, but in the deepest part of her mind there was a feeling that Mr. Gold was apart of all this. Perhaps he was the puppet master pulling the strings and they were the puppets on the stage.” Before Antigone could think, the fog wrapping around Kellie was quicker than she could move. She moved as fast as she could bowing her head ass if an acknowledgement towards the wolves that she would make sure that Kellie was safe.

Antigone followed quickly as if there were just a few seconds between Kellie being taken and Antigone following. The Dark Ancestral Witch took a deep breath trying to gather her bearings. “Kellie?” she asked, hearing a voice as she walked towards it. “Is that you?” she asked once more until she could see Kellie once more. She looked around and saw that they were in a house. “Where are we?” she asked, feeling uneasy, suddenly not knowing why, but what she did know was whatever or whoever was playing this game was targeting Kellie. “Take a deep breath Kellie and let’s figure this out.” Though The Ancestral Witch did not know Kellie except for meeting her just a few hours ago; she would not allow anything bad happen. She would find out the truth and together could be the key. Light and Dark working together keeping the balance.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke:Into The Enchanted Forest?(Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie walked out of Golds, shop her temper still enraged at Gold, knowing deep down he had something to do with her vision. Not realizing that Antigone was behind as she ended up in the Enchanted Forest. For some reason it had a darker feel to it a strong sense inside was telling her to leave. Sitting down on the old log that was there, watching the animals come around her, the wolves and deer and even smaller animals.

The wolf came by her side laying his head on her leg. She started to pet him, "You all feel it don't you it isn't right here." She turned to the side after hearing Antigone’s voice as she started to get up and go to her. Heang a small growl from the wolf she sat back down hearing what she was asked. Thinking of her screaming out at Gold knowing Asher, her true love, would want her to be strong. Looking at her, "First I want to apologize to you Antigone for yelling at Gold like that in front of you. I am sure it was rather uncomfortable to hear he is the type who says he tells the truth I do not believe him. Yes, I am alright, thank you for checking up on me. Something pulled me here, you know? I can't explain why the animals are telling me to stay put. That is why the wolf growled a bit."

Looking around the forest it just was not right the animals are protecting her for a reason what was that reason. Looking at Antigone again, wondering what she was thinking: "I just feel like something here is different. It's like it almost called me here, I have no reason why except it does feel darker than it should." She looked at the animals especially, the wolf we are going to go exploring alright stay close." Looking at her new friend once again, "Do you think we should go explore? There might be something deeper in the woods."

Her thoughts were completely in another world it seems why was she summoned here was someone hurt or was someone watching her. It feared her in ways of being more wanting to find out this puzzle of who was behind this. A smile was on her face hearing Antigone agree to focus on the forest "I am not sure what we will find I want to or rather need to get to who or what brought me here." Getting up from the log, looking at the animals "we are going to explore, stay close alright?" They all knew what she meant as they started walking into the dark forest. So far it all seemed quiet.

"I do not like this my friend it is too quiet here no sounds of animals only the ones behind us even they are quiet." There were less motions in the forest as well, it was even creepy to be here, not much makes her feel that way. Suddenly seeing a large fog in front of them as it hovered around the trees it turned different colors. Kellie looked at Antigone. "Do you see that it can't be a portal in the forest? I have never ever seen this hearing, the wolves growling in a warning sense. Turning around to them "what is it you see is it dangerous? the one wolf walked around and then stayed in front of her.

"That tells me something to stay but I have never seen stranger things in my life than that fog in the middle of the forest. What are your thoughts on this Antigone, I feel like it’s a diversion or trap?" A part of her wanted to move closer, knowing the wolves warning not to. In moments the fog started to move toward her as the wolves were growing louder. The fog suddenly wrapped around her as it changed colors. Before knowing it all of sudden it was another place, all alone. It was the town of Storybrooke was empty. Her fear was even more as she quickly checked as many places as she could. Especially with her home empty with Asher, that was empty so was, and her husband, the panic kicked in even more. "Whoever is doing this to me, I know my family is safe. Show yourself if you have the guts to." Hoping Antigone was close, whether this was all real or not.

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