Ferenc Nadasdy ~The Black Knight~ M+L Erzsebet, My Blood Countess ~Disciples Of The Moon's Tear~

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"The Sweet Suffering Of Roget" Disciples Of The Moon's Tear
Category: Blogging

"The Sweet Suffering Of Roget"

https://www.realmroleplay.com /view_blog.php?id=0000000640

Ferenc looked on at his beloved.  The gleam in her eyes was pleasurable to him.  He loved to see her filled with excitement over things.  His life's long intent was to make her happy, no matter what the circumstances were.  He observed Erzabet inject the needles into the flesh of their victim.  Her delight filled Ferenc's heart with happiness.  Although the deeds they were performing were barbaric, Erzabet delighted in the acts of her participation.  Drops of crimson blood pooled underneath Roget as he lay helplessly in the rack. The piercing of Erzabets devices of torture, excited Ferenc.  Everything Erzabet did to assist him in cruelty of those who deserved it, made Ferenc almost sexually ignited.  The look upon his beloved's face was one of the most beautiful things his eyes had ever beared witness to.  

Moans and screaming could be heard throughout the courtyard.  Ferenc was pleased that his beloved Erzabet had decided to inflict her own special ways of inflicting pain upon Roget.  The crowd cheered as the needle was injected into Roget's eye.  "My love, how clever.  However leave one with sight still allowed.  I want him to bear witness to what you go with his mutt of bitch that we are holding in the belfry.  Greta is all yours to play with as you wish.  However, this bastard will not face his demise without witnessing her torment.  I mean it's only fair.  Feast your eyes up towards the tower Erzabet.  The guards are holding her firmly, she has not been left out of our little display Erzabet.  She has been forced to observe all that has taken place."

The mechanism of torture on the rack was to fasten the ankles of the victim to one roller and chain the wrists to the other. The handle was then used to enhance the pressure on the attached chains. The roller could also be rotated on its axis using the pulleys and levers to strain the ropes and stretch the joints of the victim. The joints would eventually be dislocated and even separated, with the muscles torn apart.  Ferenc wanted Roget's torture to be seen as a dire lesson to leave the virginal maidens in the kingdom alone.  Families from all over the lands would send their teenage, pure daughters to work for the countess.  It was seen as a high honor to come to the Bathory Estate to be one of Erzabet's assistants.  Most of these young ladies were never seen again once they arrived.  The excuses ranged from the girls running away, being sent to higher monarchies to just plain out unusual disappearances.   Ferenc knew precisely what the maidens were used for.  They came in groves.  Erzabet would never go without her needs.  Ferenc would see to that.

Ferenc often used various other tortures in conjunction with the torture rack. For instance, burning with hot torches or candles could also be applied for increased pain. Additionally, pincers were sometimes used to tear out the finger and toe nails of the victim. Various phrases were used for someone who was tortured in this way on this Medieval Torture Device, including being “broken on the rack”, “stretched on the rack”, or simply, “racked”.  This however was quite a crowd pleaser.  Ferenc would continue his brutal assault upon The unruly slave for days upon end.  The more his ego was fed, the more gruesome the torturing became.

Erzabet my beautiful blood countess, fetch me the pincers.  I think I have just about had enough of this one's fighting.  He has scratched me numerous times now.  Sad to say, the nails must go.  Don't you think?  To think once they were stroked through Greta;'s hair as a loving sentiment.  Now they shall become mine,  I will deface the hands.  You seem to delight in the pain of inflicting your madness upon them.  MY beloved, I won't leave you out of this fun.  As Ferenc grabbed the pincers the crowd went wild with excitement.  After all this scum of a servant had disobeyed their rulers.  Ferenc walked towards Roget.  If you think your suffering has been unpleasant.  Just you wait, you despicable whelp.  It is only beginning.  Oh yes, never fear, your bitch of a dog wife is in attendance, watching from afar.  We have made certain that your screams would be heard by her.  Although you cannot see her.  She sees you plain as the light of day.  Why on God's green earth did you pick such a hideous woman to be by your side?  The pickings in the castle, Roget are by far more lovely choices you could have chosen.  None of that matters now.  You did what you did.  You messed up my Erzabet's plans for Greta.  Now you will continue to pay dearly.  Bet you never expected this when you awoke this morning, did you?  Thought the two of you would leave and never be found.  You insult my intelligence Roget. NO One, but No One, gets away with that."

Ferenc placed the rusted pincers in his hands.  He ran the cold steel up the man's torso the edges of the devices were sharp, leaving small gashes behind where the blade had been dragged.  Ferenc raised the pincers high in the air for all to see.  "Wonder what should come off first?  Any ideas my loyal subjects?  He heard cries and screams of Roget's groin being discarded.  "OH...  Not yet.  That would be too easy.  He would surely bleed out from that type of torment.  I would say the nails upon his hands and feet should come off first.  Then I will grant one lucky observer the chance to inflict their level of disgust upon this vermin.  Only one though.  This is my show also Erzabet's show.  I think she should bring out the Katherines Wheel to teach that little harlot, her form of a lesson well learnt.   I will leave it up to my lovely to decided Greta's fate.  A simple bloodletting bath would be too easy Erzabet.  I think in my opinion you should use Katherine's wheel among with other little nasties, that I am sure you can dream up.  The crowd revved up.  "The Wheel, The Wheel, The Wheel"

Ferenc raised the rusted pincers to Roget's hands.  "Let me see.  Oh yes, this would be the finger that you so insanely placed a ring of devotion upon Greta's hand.  It goes first.  Pardon me, for not having these oiled and sharpened before today.  How clumsy of me.  I should have been more prepared.  It will only make it take just a small amount more time this way.  I want to hear you scream to your maker for forgiveness and a swift death.  Im sure that sins spoken on deaf ears aren't heard though.   I don't think God Almighty, will hear you on this day.  You have sinned against man, myself, my wife and the great people of Hungary.  They are here to watch you die.  All of them wish this fate upon you not just Erzabet and myself.  The whole damned crowd of spectators.  All except one...  Roget,  He snickered then smirked in his face.   Greta is with child.  What???  You didn't know?  Such a pity that she didn't tell you of this news.   Seems we will have a great displacement and a grand death of a small family here in these honorable gates.  Tsk Tsk, Why don't you think that bitch of a woman did not tell you of your child?  Does not matter to me.  It Only makes the kill more sweeter.  The child will be last to perish before your eyes.   I will see to that,  In fact I damned well promise it..  You disobeyed me Roget. You receive absolutely no mercy. Nor does your bitch of wife or that mangy; helpless, little, unborn, whelp in all of this.  The child will become yet another trophy upon my wall, in the main corridor.   The Bastard Son that never was, What should we shall call him."  

Just Then His eyes gleamed.  "Erzabet, Shall we keep the little bastard then torture him everyday, of his pathetic, little life?"

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Ferenc Nadasdy ~The Black Knight~ M+L Erzsebet, My Blood Countess ~Disciples Of The Moon's Tear~


Ferenc watched with glee as his beloved Erzabet began her ritual. He smirked as then needles were pierced into his eyes. "Oh shit Roget, now your going to miss seeing everything. Such a pity, but your torture is delivered from such a beauty." He smirked as he looked at Greta, her tears could fill up a bucket. "Aww... don't you cry. Come to Daddy."

He watched his beloved Erzabet do her best at being her worst. Such a thrill. It gave Ferenc a sense of excitement. He walked to Greta as Roget's torture resumed. "Greta you swine of a whore, may I have this dance? That is if MiLady don't mind. Music started playing from the villagers with instruments. He grabbed Greta by her tresses and pulled her hard into him. 'Now we shall dance, in an act of celebration. You best be a good partner. I loathe a dance partner, that cannot follow a strong lead. Don't be a disappointment to me. You already are. So I guess you can't fuck things up anymore than you already have, now can you?"

Ferenc kept watch over Erzabet as she gleefully tortured Roget. "I still think it's a pity, he cannot see this spectacle, He is missing out. Oh damn. Poor fucker, anyway. He shall miss his wife and I's dance." It will be a spectacle. I shall twirl you until you vomit. You useless whore. The music picked up in tempo. "Ah a Tango. How perfect. You do know how to dance, don't you whore? Answer me. Would not be fun, if you are a sloppy dance partner. It would frankly piss me off. I am already ready pissed off anyway. So whats a little more anger, going to hurt."

Screams and moans filled the stage, Erzabet was nearly finished with Roget. An impeccable job she was doing. He was proud of her devilish ways. Wicked to the core. That made him love her even more. She had the same personality as he did. A perfect couple. Both evil beyond words. No one dare fuck with the Bathory Nadadsy family. This was a fine example of what happened to those who did.

"Greta, you are a heinous beast, you are not pretty at all. Was you mother a grotesque beast as well? I sure hope your child has a good look about him. As he will be looked after by Erzabet and I. He will pay the ultimate price in the end, for your disgrace. You do know this right? So you be given a gift to live, until you give birth, then you shall meet your maker. He did a pretty shitty job on you, I might add. You are ugly as a mules asshole. And that is a compliment coming from me. Greta you missed a step." He stomped on her foot with his boot. "Pay attention. Or, am I too much of a challenge for you?" I am a great dancer, and frankly you are horrible."

Silence came quickly the music stopped as Erzabet delivered her final blow. The crowd cheered. Roget was dead. Now all that remained was his pregnant whore. Ferenc got a twinkle in his eye and a smirk upon his face, when Erzabet asked about putting his head on a stake. He kissed Erzabet, showing her how proud he was of her display of Roget's final moments. "Good show, my sweet. You deserve a metal for this. To bad, I don't have one to give you. I shall reward you later my love. Your reward will be delightful and you shall love it. This, I can assure you."

He pushed Greta to the darkened earth, "See him. He died because of you. You are the blame, you selfless whore. You will never be allowed to forget it. For I have a little plan for you, you know that bed of yours, with the four posts. Roget's head shall be placed upon one of those posts, for you to remember him. Oh, I should place a smile upon his lips, before rigor mortis sets in. That way he will always be happy to see you." Ferenc laughed. "Too bad he missed it all. I love Erzabet's way with needles. She has her craft, down to a science. Greta, I must tell you, that you are a horrible dancer. You couldn't keep up. Of course your mind is on other things, but you missed a good opportunity to Tango with me. You fucked that up as well. You have a reputation for fucking things up. But trust me. You will carry this pregnancy out carefully. You will do all that the doctor instructs. I will assure that." Ferenc glared at Greta.

"Erzabet and I want to raise up your baby in a noble fashion. But in the background behind closed doors, he will never be shown love or mercy. He will abide by our wishes, or he too shall be tortured to his end. Do I make myself clear? I do hope in that pea sized brain of yours, that you are taking this all in. You will do as instructed. You will obey my wife. You will be at her beckoning call. What she wants or desires you will deliver to her with a smile upon your face. Do I make make myself crystal clear on this. You are now Erzabet's own personal slave girl. Poor thing, You have no idea how demanding my Erzabet can be, but you shall soon find out." Now to the bedroom. I must get his head put at the foot of your bed with a smile that will forever adorn his mutilated face. Tis, all your fault. You knew the rules and disobeyed. Tsk tsk Greta. I will never let you forget him. I shall fill that head of yours with daily memories, I wish to keep you depressed and down. You don't deserve to be happy you disobeyed house rules, You know this. I shall have Merici, watch after you also. You will not get away with anything. Escape is not an option here. Don't even relish it. The hounds will kill you if you so much as try to leave here." He glared at her. "Suicide is forbidden, You will not be given any instruments that you could use to pull that off. So drop that idea. If it came into that mind of yours. Get it out now. That just simply wont happen. You are nothing more now than a slave to Erzabet, you will always do as she asks, when she asks. Without hesitation. Do I make myself clear? You should know by now, I don't fuck around with my thoughts or my words. You will learn this if you don't already know it."

Posted by Ferenc Nadasdy ~The Black Knight~ M+L Erzsebet, My Blood Countess ~Disciples Of The Moon's Tear~ on Sat Oct 12, 2024, 17:10

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Countess Elizabeth (Erzabet) Bathory}{M+L Ferenc N�dasdy }{His Countess of Blood}{Disciples Of Moon's Tears}


"The Sweet Suffering of Roget" Disciples of The Moon's Tear: {Storyline with Ferenc}

Trigger warning: There will be some things in here that many may not wish to read. Though it has been toned down.

Blog location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000864

Bloodletting, screaming, terrors, those serving at the whims of those above, and all the tortures in the world was the world that Ezrabet was born into. She thrived on it and loved it. She could tell when a person was giving up at the end of their limits. She could tell when they wanted to stay alive even through the worse hell, which was the thrilling part of everything that her and Ferenc did. It was the sweet embrace of the pain in their eyes that she wanted to test their limits. But most of all those who went against the rules in her eyes deserved all the punishments in the world given to them. The man with the name Roget was just the latest victim, yet there will be more in all due time.

A slight child went up and down her spine as Ferenc spoke to the victim. The countess looked down at the man who wish he had never given into his urges. A wicked smirk grew upon her face as Ferenc told him outright what was going to happen would not be something enjoyable. The countess has seen many time, her beloved angry and the effect on the servants it can have when they get in his way. Both have tempers that equal their status. She looked back at Roget and closely looked at his face, “I think you are right, My Knight.” She began to saw with her thick Hungarian accent. “He does look like he is enjoying it.” She replied putting one finger up to her lips.

Her eyes flashed over to the guards when the name Greta come from Ferenc’s lips. She moved her eyes quickly in the direction as if to tell them to hurry up. “Quickly now. We wouldn’t want to keep everyone waiting. It shall be a show to see.” She replied with a wicked grin on her face. Hearing Greta’s screams made another chill go up and down her body. It was pleasurable chill for it was the knowledge of other’s suffering. Poor Greta should have known better than to lay with such a man as Roget. She looked towards his face as the guards brought the young woman down screaming. The countess looked towards the young woman and watched as she shook as she stood in place.

If she had a heart for anyone who went against the rules then perhaps Ezrabet would try to do something to get the young woman out of there. Perhaps then she would spare her from the sight that was about to unfold, however, Ezrabet would never do such a thing. There were laws put in place for every subject of the land and everything must be followed more so in their household. As Ferenc spoke to Greta, Ezrabet could see how the fear in her eyes became even more so, especially at mentioned of the child. “Don’t worry child. The life within you shall be looked after.” She said in a soft almost motherly tone, but with some venom behind it. She shook her head, “This all comes down to what you and Roget have done. Sadly, your child will have to deal with knowing this as well.” She looked at Ferenc as he spoke her name and a sparkle came to her eyes as he said he decided to allow her to, “finish him off.”

With a slight skip in her step, Ezrabet walked towards Ferenc, “I shall make it entertaining for you, my love.” she said with a cruel grin upon her face as she picked up a needle. “Some think that something like a needle even a thick one as all see here can not do any damage.” She began to say as she held up the thick needle about 7 inches in length and width equally the same. “However, if one knows where to place it. The harm that it can do upon the body can change even the mind.” She said as she began to lower the needle towards Roget’s left eye. She looked over at Greta hearing her plead for it all to stop. “It will stop soon.” She said taking the needle and jabbing it right into his eye at the top of the lid and into his brain. “Don’t want to move with that in there.” She said grabbing another and doing the same. A slight groan came from Roget’s lips as some slight pain came from the wounds she had just inflicted.

She went back and forth picking up needles of different lengths and widths jabbing them into the flesh of Roget. Repeatedly watching the blood come from the wounds. “Painful how much even this can cause right?” She said hearing him groan even in more pain and seeing tears form in his eyes. “Please!!” Greta said pleading being held up by the guards. “You’ll punishment shall come.” She said pointing her finger, “But it shall be longer than what he is having.” The countess replied to the pleads as she grabbed a knife and began to cut into his flesh starting at his feet and moving upwards.

Seeing the pool of blood that was coming from him and the satisfaction that she was having, the countess decided to show some mercy by slicing into his throat a deep cut. The cut was so deep that she could see his neck bone and his eyes bulging from it. Even with the needles plunged deep into his brain, she could still see that he was trying to fight it. Unfortunately, for him what life he had was soon over as death finally took his chains and wrapped them around Roget. It was some comfort to his pathetic life. Taking the blade once more, the Blood Countess finished sawing into his neck and completely removing his head. Once it was removed, she placed the knife down upon the table next to his left hand and picked up his head. “Perhaps we should shove this on a spike?” she said holding up for all to see. "Then perhaps, we shall quarter his body along with gut him. Scattering him in all corners of this land? What do you think, My love?"

Ferenc Nadasdy ~The Black Knight~ M+L Erzsebet, My Blood Countess ~Disciples Of The Moon's Tear~


Ferenc was now beyond all forms of psychosis. His blood boiled as he looked at Roget. To his disbelief the man was still alive after all of the torture he had inflicted upon him. "Oh Roget, Fighting are we now? Why? You should just let death come. It would be far easier, if you were to succumb. But alas, you keep fighting to stay alive. What a pity. It only makes me angry. Roget, you wouldn't like it, when I'm angry. I guarantee you will not. That smirk, that you wear upon your face, makes me believe I haven't been stern enough. Why must I always get the town idiot? That is precisely what you are. An imbecile. If I didn't know better, One would think you were enjoying this."

Greta was squirming to try and run. But the guards had her held firmly. Ferenc saw this, out of the corner of his eye. "Guards, Bring her down here. I want her to see all of this glorious blood that Roget has shed in her name. Bring her now! She has only one purpose now. To have the bastard son, that he will be. For you Roget, will be long deceased, by the time he is born. In fact, Mr. Death is awaiting your arrival. Soon, very soon, you shall join him then be rid of my presence." He smirked at Roget as Greta was screaming, she was being forced from the tower to join in the festivities.

The guards escorted the unruly Greta from the castle, to the stage. "Oh Greta, you shall bear witness to his demise. You and Roget wed last night. Tell me, whom performed the nuptials. Was it that nosy priest? The one that lurks around here all the time? Both he and his choir boy shall suffer for it. Maybe, not in this fashion but trust me, they will. They shall pay for such an unholy act. You Greta are with child. The child shall be raised by me and my Erzsabet. He will never know of you until, he has reached puberty. Then he will know everything. How you and this piece of shit Roget, went behind our backs and did the unspeakable. How you sinned against God.

Ferenc looked at his lovely Erzsabet. "My love I am growing bored with him. I decided to allow you to finish him off. All of your delightful ways I'm certain you can deliver the final blows. After all, I would never leave you out of the fun. I want Greta to see just how wicked that you are. Would you do me the honors of finishing him off? I know you have tricks up your sleeves, that I couldn't possibly dream of. I cannot and will not leave you out of the spectacle. Come now, Show them what you are capable of. I shall get off on it. Trust me my love, I want to see you in action. Nothing more sexually gratifying than to watch you smile as you are doing what you do best. There are plenty of things upon the slab for you to choose from. Come now Erzsabet. Show me what you can do to end this life."

Posted by Ferenc Nadasdy ~The Black Knight~ M+L Erzsebet, My Blood Countess ~Disciples Of The Moon's Tear~ on Sat Aug 10, 2024, 15:08

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Countess Elizabeth (Erzabet) Bathory}{M+L Ferenc N�dasdy }{His Countess of Blood}{Disciples Of Moon's Tears}


The Sweet Suffering of Roget: Sins must be punished (Storyline with Ferenc)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000864

Disclaimer: Trigger warning. This post will be filled with blood and gore. Please, if you are not able to handle, please look away. Furthermore, some words are in Hungarian, though Bathory spoke several languages.

Some background:

Status, power, and wealth typically comes with a heavy responsibility, yet can also come with sinister desires. Erzabet born into a noble family knew both sides of the coin of her status, wealth, and power. Of course, she understood that there was a certain way a woman would have to act in public society no matter what level she was at. Polite society would not agree with some of the hidden secrets that happened within her castle walls. However, she cared not about what “polite” society thought about her life and the way she handled her castle.

Those who entered the castle doors providing they were of the servant class knew that those above them could do pretty much anything that they wanted to them. They had to serve them no matter how they felt. Erzabet enjoyed this fact when it came to the young maidens that came to serve those within the castle. It was her belief that the blood of the young maidens provided her with a more youthful look. Many of the land considered other ways to stay youthful such as bathing in milk and honey.


They say that each person has that one person in their life that perfectly matches them and for Erzabet that was Ferenc. Torture was nothing to Erzabet having been around it ever since she was a child. If a servant went out of line, then the servant had to be punished, so they know their place in the world. Nothing was sweeter than honey to Erzabet than hearing the blood curdling screams of a victim. It caused a seductive chill to go up her spin and into her finger tips each time she drove needles into the victim’s skin, or any type of tool being used upon them.

Of course, she did not do any torture alone for that would be far too boring for her. Her Szeretett (beloved) Ferenc knew exactly how to handle his way through each torturing device. He knew exactly how to bring forth a scream so blood churning that it would make one’s hairs on the back of their neck stand up straight. A smirk spread across her red lips as she made eye contact with Ferenc. “Thank you, Szeretett (beloved), I wanted him to be able to know true fear.” she said with a slight glee in her voice. She gave a slight nod with the same smirk not leaving her face, “Good. Tis sad that such things must happen.” She replied to him but then paused. “Sometimes keeping people in their place just must be this way. It is better for her to watch all that is going to happen.”

In truth, when it came to the young maidens that came to them to work; Erzabet appeared to be protective of them. She knew all too well what it could mean for a young lady to be “deflowered” or even rumored or without being done so by their husband. When a young maiden or lad came into a lord’s or lady’s control or under their employment then the person becomes a servant. This also means that the lord and or lady has complete control over their lives. They determine how those who serve are to act and be within their service as well as the punishments that go along with breaking any law.

Watching Ferenc perform dance of torture, thrilled Erzabet to no end. It was like a slight cold chill that started at the base of her neck and went down towards her toes. It was like watching a dance that the two of them performed together so well. Hearing her Szeretett (beloved) Ferenc, ask for the pincers, Erzabet smirked and quickly fetched them for him. Gently placing them in his hands, Erzabet watched as he performed his work. When he said, “Sad to say, the nails must go. Don’t you think?” Erzabet gave a smirk and nod of her head. “I trust you, my Szerelem (Love).” she said with a slight thrill within her eyes. She was desensitized to such violent punishment upon servants, for even from a young age Erzabet watched her parents carry out such violent punishments.

She looked down at the man named, Roget and narrowed her eyes. Such men were beneath her, but to not only devastate her plans also insults such intelligence that Ferenc possessed within him. Hearing the name Greta, Bathory gave a wild grin in the direction of Roget, “Oh, bleeding her would be very easy. She should suffer ever so slightly. Pity though, once she suffers from the punishment, I do not think that the blood would be of any use. “She said with a slight sigh. “Oh, well sometimes one must allow such things to happen in order to keep the servants in line.” She stated with a thick Hungarian accent. She listened to the crowd and enjoyed that they were getting involved with the punishment. It was a show after all and one that would be grand.

Hearing Roget’s confusion that there was a child conceived made Erzabet’s blood boil. The fate of the young woman, Greta was sealed the moment life was planted within her womb. Erzabet’s eyes flashed from Roget’s smug look that was upon his face then to the face of Ferenc. For a moment, the countess did not speak because she was only thinking of the best thing to do. Afterall, there was a new life brought forth from a sinful act. She placed one finger up to her lips and tilted her head to the left allowing her long locks to flow down past her shoulder. “én egyetlen (My one and only), let Greta bring the child to full term. Then allow the child to be ripped from her arms moments after birth. A mother’s life is for her children’s life after all. God’s purpose for a woman is for her to bare children so the line continues, and they are the pearls of her eyes. “She snickered a little. “Roget thought he had a card up his sleeve, so let us play a card of our own. His son running through the walls of the castle, but the woman that bore him into the world must suffer watching him knowing the father had such a painful death.” She paused for a moment, running her fingers through her hair. “A sin is a sin and must be punished one way or another. Build the child up then tear him down before his mother’s eyes. The child would not know what to think and suffer more than anything for the sin of his father.”

She looked into Ferenc’s eyes, “of course, királyom (my king) I will follow your lead.” she said with a soft smile that grew into a smirk. The thought of what was to come, all the screams, the blood, and the horror was a thrilling game for the countess.

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