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Last Updated: Sat 15 Jul 2023, 15:02:27

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My Carousel Horse Obsidian MIdKnight
Category: Uncategorized

After going down the dark dusty hallways of the forbidden place that was deep below of the castle. Once the door opened the lights and music was on it was a whole new world. It was magical, she smiled even more, and her eyes lit up when looking at her dad. She ran to the merry go round and her dad helped her up to the one ceramic horse. It was like nothing else she had ever seen before as the darkened kingdom had never been this lit.

The place was so bright, and it made her happy she couldn't stop smiling and moved her legs as the merry go round started. "Wherever did you get this was this here the whole time I bet this was yours when my age." After having fun on the merry go round her dad helped her down, she looked at the carousel horse it winked at her. "Daddy, did you see what the horse did? He is winking at me." The lights shined on the mirrors, and it made it look even brighter as it seemed almost like it was Christmas. She was sad for a moment to see the ride stop looking at her dad after seeing the ceramic horse bow to her. “How can he do that dad.” For a moment it came to life then went to its ceramic form. "She hugged her dad "I love you so much daddy this made my birthday even happier thank you for this it makes this place down here less scary. I'll never ever come down here alone.”

Years later she got a call from her dad that her black carousel horse was brought to life. She had to go see for herself she looked at her dad "he has the same deep blue eyes shaped like snowflakes.” knowing he was brought to life to protect her.  The perfect name she thought of for him is Obsidian Midnight as the true name of the strong horse who never gave up finding her. MidKnight stays safe at the stables and on the Lestat grounds knowing that he will find her when needed.


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