Realm RolePlay - Blogs Blogs From on Realm RolePlay LESTAT ABILITIES AND SPELLS REVISED 4/16/2024 2024-04-16 <div style="text-align: center; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:500px; height:280px;" data="//;rel=0&amp;hd=1&amp;showsearch=0&amp;showinfo=0&amp;version=3&amp;modestbranding=1">        <pa "The Lost Girl, Whom Is She?" 2023-11-03 "The Lost Girl, Whom Is She?"Gage walked down from the edge of the cliffs hanging his head, feeling very melancholy he slowly made his way back towards the Castle LeStat. Pushing an empty swing in the playground, he still could envision the young girl from the past, in his mind. That same swing where he had watched her play with a doll. Grabbing th The Glass Coffin 2023-10-02 "THE GLASS COFFIN"Gage reached over to a cold and barren spot.  The place where his beloved lay against him, in their wedding bed.  A crimson tear welled up in his eye, then trickled down his cheek.   The tear of blood gently fell against the silken sheets.  "Oh Nika, my beloved black desire. Why didn't you tell me your wic The Locket BK 2021-02-17 "The Locket"The walls were graced with wooden torches. The flames lightened the damp darkened hallways as the King began to descend the stairwell. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out an ornate platinum key. A heart shaped key that had not been used in a very long time. This key was special, it opened the doors to the old section of the Ca Forgiveness 2020-11-01 "Forgiveness"Gage looked at Coltessa his Stepmother.  When he saw her fall to his knees, a sense of awkwardness overcame him.  Never in all of his days did he ever think he would look upon her face and into her dark eyes.  She was here.  After all of those centuries, there she was.  Where had she been all of that time, when Never Go Into Dad's Office 2018-05-27 "Never Go Into Dad's Office"Gage walked through the castle, nothing seemed as it should be.  He thought he heard a strange noise coming from his office.  What the hell he thought to himself.  His eyes turned obsidian as he quickly manifested into wolf form.  He jolted down the corridor to his office.  Indeed, someone was in Shattered Memories 2017-10-06 Ayumi's sadness was overpowering her deeper everyday. From the day she let go of her kids her depression worsened. Moving from place to place she tried to disassociate from her horrible experience. Ayumi's children were her entire world. That being said, she knew deep in her broken heart that Gage and Emma would be better off without her. They woul